Author's Note- In class we did a journal entry, it was a Stream of Consciousness, and the word was "City." When I first think of a city, I think of a place like Chicago, at night. I think of how it is always living and something is always happening. This would be where the poem would take place. I didn't mean for it to go darker at the end, but that's where it went. Also, we are reading Fahrenheit 451 right now, and I think this poem could connect to the book in different ways. Please leave your opinion on how it sounded as it got darker, and if I should have kept it happier, and lighter or if the way it went was ok.
Walking through the streets,
Set in a perfect grid.
Everything moving around,
Buzzing through the town.
Looking up to the sky,
The lights of life shining down bright.
Upon me
Rushing to get from here to there,
Not yet knowing
Where there is,
But just wanting to get there.
Whistle down a taxi.
As you wave goodbye,
For now, to a friend,
Knowing you will see them again.
Running out into the heart
Of my city
Weaving through the craziness, the life
The siren sounds,
Lights flashing,
Everything goes out.
The lights of life from above,
Burnt out, turning off.
My lights
Apparently, this is that “there”,
Where I wanted to be.
This isn't where I wanted to be,
At all.
Cemented down into the road,
Stiff and cold, unable to move
Strangers trying to help me,
To save me.
They don’t know what help I need.
How would they?
They don’t know what on me hurts,
They didn’t ask,
As I can’t answer
They think it’s my head, but it’s really my heart.
I’m failing, breaking off, from me.
Is that even possible? To drown inside of myself
Now in this white room,
New lights from above,
Peering down,
Supposedly to wake me up back to life.
But not my life,
My shining lights
Are from the my city,
Where I live, not from this ceiling,
These are lights of someone else's life.
I need my lights
From my city,
To wake me back up.
Until I see my lights,
I’ll stay resting here
In nothingness, in darkness
Never wandering through my streets again,
Never saying hello to that friend I said goodbye to for now,
Never looking up at the sky scrapers of life, reaching to the sky,
But now looking down upon this all.