My Goals For Writing

  • In my next essay, use more text evidence, and relate back to the story more.
  • Next time I free write, write a fictional story.
  • Use 3 words from the class list on moodle in each piece.
  • In my next piece correctly use a semicolon.
  • Next time I write, try to write something other than a poem.

Life of Pi

 Final Response- I think that this book is about self discovery, along with that we each have multiple selves and are and become new people but we still carry our old self with us everywhere we go.

You wake up and run downstairs; being the kid almost missing the bus. You get to school; being the friend talking to all of your friends in the hall. You sit in class; being the student listening and learning everything you need to know. You head to practice; being the player the teammate running and listening to your coaches along with the rest of your team. You finally are home; being the daughter helping around the house part of your family. Then you go to bed, creating a new beginning or a new ending, but with yesterday carrying over into today.

You wake back up with next morning coming soon, as you wake back up and run back downstairs; being the kid almost missing the bus again. Having the same day again, but knowing all along you could have been at the bus stop early today, be a better friend, learn more facts, try harder at practice and be a better daughter or sister. We carry our same selves from one situation to the next, even though we have multiple  selves. We are purple, sometimes we look red and sometimes we look blue but we are really always purple no matter what we seem to be.

In different light, life seems to be different colors. No two people see the world the same way, also you are sometimes different people throughout your day so you don’t always see the world the same way from hour to hour either. At times we are afraid of others that we already are. Like Richard Parker. Richard Parker being a killer, and Pi being an innocent boy starting out life in a zoo, then moving from craziness to nothing. He strives to be better, and is afraid of the part of him that scares him, the part of him that kills to excess, the part of him that he cant control. So he just lets go, and tethers himself out into the ocean, releasing himself from his other self, but still being connected.

A circle is constantly connected and never ending. There are no corners or sharp edges. A tiger has edges a beginning, an end. They have teeth, and claws, but also have a soft coat of fur. A tiger and a circle each have balance in the world. A circle with the balance of no edges, so you can never fall off and drown. A tiger with the balance of orange and black stipes, traveling into each other. Orange like a new sunrise a new beginning that you can create any day, and black representing darkness and death, as we always fear this and strive to be better.

Pi knows that there is better than the island, that there is better than his boat and he can be better than he is, so he strives for these things. The island eating you from the inside out. Sometimes we are like this too. The inside of the island being ourselves, our mind. Our mind controls the real world, and can be switched on and off by new circumstances, as the night is a new circumstance every day for the island to get through. On the outside though and in light, the island is beautiful, as we are, as when we are at our best. We aim for control of our world, but sometimes we just let go too much.

The perfect balance on the rope of life, is a grip not too tight to make you bleed, but not to loose you slip and fall into the ocean. If you hold on tight enough, you will get blisters, which are necessary to create a time to heal. We create the blisters ourselves, in fear of ourselves. Pi heads out to the raft in fear of Richard Parker which is also him. We fear who we are.

Walking through your day you become different people, walking through your life become different people and walking through your mind you become different people. At times it is right you run, at others it is right you crawl, through your life looking for your pace and the style of walk you are.

Mr. Kumar Of Triangles- 

Response to Pi's description and respect for Mr. Kumar. 
Mr. Kumar is a man made of triangles. Everything pointed at the top, with a big bottom, standing on a sturdy base. Respect, starts with a sturdy base too. A teacher and student already have a strong foundation of respect to base off of. Even in Mr. Kumar's actions it could be seen as a triangle. He looks at a little sign next to an animal. A sign being to tip of the triangle, and makes it grow and become something bigger.

Triangles are a symbol referred to in many places, like religion. Mr. Kumar as an atheist, not believing in God, but in science. "There are no grounds for going beyond a scientific explanation of reality and no sound reason for believing anything but our sense experience. A clear intellect, close attention to detail and a little scientific knowledge will expose religion as superstitious bosh. God does not exist." page 27 Triangles have corners and points and aren't well rounded like circles, but can still be found within a circle.

Response- Page 234-236

Have you ever sat in one position for a while and then your legs start to fall asleep, and you cant feel them. At first you have no intention or need to start walking again, but once everyone else has left and you are all alone you miss them. Finally someone heads your way, you are so excited that someone is noticing you that you jump up and run to meet them, just to find out you are still invisible to the world again. And your legs, your base become numb once again.

Pi, sees a ship, a savior, thinking to himself, It couldn't miss us. Can there be any happiness greater than the happiness of salvation? The answer-believe me- is No. I got to my feet, for the first time in a long time I had made such an effort. He got to his feet for the first time in a long time, he had made such an effort, the first time he tried to return back to his life, to what he knew, to stand back up. He had been dreaming for a while and now he gets back up. Standing on two feet on the water, a solid ground now even on the rocky waters.

He says to Richard Parker "Can you believe it, Richard Parker? People, food, a bed. Life is ours once again. Oh, what a bliss!" Life was never not theirs, they just let go of it for a little while. People, food, a bed, aren't things I really things that I need to hope to find. As Pi's life passes by again, not picking him back up, he goes into a state of love for Richard Parker. A tiger.

He tells the tiger, he loves him, and that he would die of hopelessness without him, tells the tiger to not give up, and makes a promise they will get to land. He is in such a hopeless place that, if he cant even stand how does he think he will swim through rough waters to solid land. Trying to make promises for something for you to still believe in. He jumped into his boat, because the worker told him it would save him, as the workers  boat drowns, as someone else may have told that worker, the drowning boat would save him too.

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